Thursday, 14 May 2015

Federation House

So after a stressful time planing the federation house workshop we came up with a plan that we all agreed on. To have 4 questions and then for all the students to give their feedback on unit x.

Federation house plan

This pan never worked out as we weren't sure what the teachers were doing and what the students were doing. We also decided that we didn't want to make feedback the key part of the exhibition and that we did in fact want to showcase our DACA work so we decided upon using our boiler suits and t shirts. We still had a feedback section but it was only a sideline of the exhibition; a piece of canvas which could be unrolled and written on by all the students with their feedback of the unit.

The exhibition

We wanted our exhibition to be bursting and full of colour but we had to work with the rest of the exhibition and fit in as theirs were all minimalist. We incorporated cardboard as that's what was used in the rest of the house.

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