Monday, 23 March 2015

DACA: Day Four

So after our first week at DACA I'm feeling very hopeful for this week. It was really interesting to see how just 3 days at the school has pushed each of us to either loving or hating the prospect of being a teacher.

Today I was in the same lessons as last week and so for the morning especially there is nothing to report apart from my disappointment in how each child's work is made to look the same. To the point where the kids were doing a title for a pages and they each had to do this in eight boxes along the top left of the double page spread and if it only fitted six then they had to rub it out and draw smaller boxes. Each letter had to be bubble writing and had to blend either orange and blue or yellow and green. One child added purple with orange and they had to start again. At the pupils were gathered to pick the best one when in fact more or less in my opinion they were all the same. The year seven art lesson was yet again heavily disciplined.

The second half I was back with Ellouise and it was gratifying when Ella showed me that she had carried on and finished what we started last week. There are two trains we could get leave 5 minutes early or wait an hour and get the next one the whole MMU students left and I stayed because I wanted to make sure Ella go the work done for her exam. I feel like in the future if I was to become a teacher I would have to learn when to switch off.

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