Saturday, 22 March 2014

WEEK 1- Leather and Sheep-Skin

I was very enthusiastic about the idea of working with and learning a new craft of leather work. I found the first week very useful as we found out how to make a pattern for a bag. This was something i had previously had no experience with. I found this process challenging at first as i didn't realise the importance of the measurements. I firstly created my pattern to my bag on patterned paper and then on to cartridge, however once i cut my patterned pieces out the measurements didn't match up exactly which is why i then had to remeasure the pieces accordingly. Although this was something that went wrong it taught me a vital lesson to take forward with making my bag in the further weeks.

This process of creating a paper bag made me realise that it was infact a bag that i wanted to create for my final piece. When it came to ansembling the peices together, they matched up correctly however i struggled as do the paper not being flexible, glue wouldnt hold it together and so i hade to use staples. This made me want to use a soft leather for my bag as it would be much more flexible and easy to work with.

Another thing i learnt about working with leather is that the leather is sewn on the outside rather then the inside. After finishing my bag i realised that i hadent worked out the proportions properly which left my bag slightly too oversized this is something i will correct in my work in furtre weeks.

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