After taking time to contemplate the Bradford brief, and deciding that I no longer want to continue with it I have thought about why it wasn't a successful project for me. Bradford is a context led brief and I have learnt as an artist I don't
work best in this way. I felt that it impacted my potential of work because it
was too specific and I had preconceptions of a fashion material. I didn't experiment enough within the initial stages of drawing as I was too engaged in the final outcome.
I hold myself back in
terms of decision making within my work. I am too conscious of the risks and consequences.
This is something I want to challenge in my self-initiated brief as tackling
this issue would not only help in terms of the next unit but also in my future professional career. For the live briefs I plan to choose more open ended briefs which
don't have a fashion context.
For next week I plan to create some inspiration and possibly
a concept for my self-initiated brief, there are a few ideas I have been
thinking of in terms of this:
- Something that tackles my issue with decision making
- No specific context
- Influence on a body of drawing/ experimenting
- Sampling
One thing that jumped out during the crit was mt wide range of materials and how some of them were synthetics so one thing I know for my self initiated is that I want to use only natural fibers.