This week I struggled and felt slightly overwhelmed and lost, as though I had no ideas for my development samples. I let this get on top of me earlier on in the week and fell slightly behind which I have no excuses for. We spoke about this in the tutorial to which my tutor said she was slightly worried. Although this was tough to hear it was exactly what I needed as I felt I had let myself down, it gave me the push I needed to get out of the rut I was in. In a way I am glad this happened to me as in previous projects I have gone through a similar stage and not known how to get out of it. Hannah said in the tutorial its amazing what a person can get done in a day let alone a week when they put their mind to it, this statement was extremely influential in getting me back on track. After the tutorial I got my sketchbook out and just quickly sketched some sample ideas, processes and techniques. This process was especially helpful s it gave me a variety or options to take in a little amount of time and by the end of the week was back on track. This process is something that I intend to take forward into future projects if I feel overwhelmed again.
I was inducted onto the embellisher this week, this was something that I felt my work would benefit from as it creates a rugged texture that links well to the theme of urban influences. I started by making a sample as this was something use never used before I was excited to see the outcome. I placed folds within the fabric to add another tactile quality.
After creating my sample a photograph came to mind that I had took in Manchester a few weeks earlier. The dark speckles gives implications of an embellished surface and so I experimented with a light grey pollyester and a black linnen. I added tailor tacking to further portray the rugged surface. This development sample shows clear links to the theme of urban influences and to my visual reserch.
After looking further into the work of Caroline Bartlett I came across some of her work where she has use the cornelli machine to build up a surface this was something i was keen to try and so I took my sketchbook for ideas to create some cornelli samples. I had jotted down some sample ideas earlier in the week and so got on with them. Although Caroline's use of cornelli was inspiring sh uses it to create curved soft edges where I used it to create more sharper angular edges and lines as this relates to the theme of urban. I plan to take forward and explore more with cornelli in my further samples.
Caroline Bartlett |